Audio Description & Accessibility
News and media
Here follows a selection of ADACOMs media appearances. Our affiliated researchers and thematic collaborative partners have appeared in various media to discuss audio description research and the status of audio description in Sweden. Below you will find links to interviews, articles and other media appearances - all in Swedish.
Appearances in magazines, TV, news and radio
Interview in Skånes Taltidning: Tvärvetenskapligt inriktade Lundaforskare samverkar med brukare för att på sikt ge syntolkar bättre redskap. Hear Jana Holsanova (co-ordinator och researcher), Viveka Lyberg-Åhlander (researcher) och Henrik Götesson (SRF) talk about the collaborative initiative – from a researcher and user perspective.
- Link to Skånes Taltidning, no. 21/19 (website): - Link to the interview in Skånes Taltidning, no. 21/19 (streaming sound):
Interview in Vi punktskriftsläsare: Att beskriva bild - en viktig och komplex uppgift, 1/2019, s. 4-5. Interview with Jana Holsanova about the publication "Bildbeskrivning för tillgänglighet" and the thematic collaborative initiative.
- Link to Vi punktskriftsläsare 1/2019:
Interview in SVT (1 mars, 2021): Interviews with thematic collaborative partners Lotta Lagerman and Maj-Britt Ryman (SRF). The interview highlighted the audio describer education program at Fellingsbro folkhögskola and budget cuts threatening the education program: Bio för synskadade in tv show highlighting culture.
- Link to SVT Nyheter with short summary of the interview:
Interview in Läns- och Riksnytt: Syntolksutbildningen firar 10 år. Interview with Lotta Lagerman (thematic collaborative initiative partner from Fellingsbro folkhögskola) on the 10 year jubilee of the audio describer education program.
- Link to interview in Läns- och Riksnytt (website/streaming sound):
Interview in Läns- och Riksnytt: En syntolk berättar. Interview with the audio describer Per Lagergren (thematic collaborative partner) highlighting the audio describer practice.
- Link to interview in Läns- och Riksnytt (website/streaming sound):
Interview in Läns- och Riksnytt: Forskning om syntolkning. Interview with Jana Holsanova about audio description research.
- Link to interview in Läns- och Riksnytt (website/streaming sound):
Interview in Skånes Taltidning: Vem ska utbilda framtidens syntolkar? Både folkhögskola och universitet har sin plats och teori är viktigt menar syntolkningsforskaren Jana Holsanova i Lund. Interview with Jana Holsanova about audio description research and audio describer education in Sweden and internationally.
- Link to Skånes Taltidning no. 10/2021 (website): - Link to interview in Skånes Taltidning, no. 10/2021 (streaming sound):
Interview in Skånes Taltidning: Undervisningen på Sveriges enda syntolksutbildning har dragits ner till hälften efter minskat bidrag från Region Örebro Län. Interview with Lotta Lagerman (thematic collaborative initiative partner from Fellingsbro folkhögskola) on the budget cuts that threatened the audio describer educational program at Fellingsbro folkhögskola.
- Link to Skånes Taltidning no. 9/2021 (website): - Link to interview in Skånes Taltidning no. 9/2021 (streaming sound):
Interview in Skånes Taltidning: Hur jobbar egentligen en syntolk? Vi följer med Per Lagergren som tar fasta på det stora – för att sen zooma in på det allt mindre. Interview with the audio describer Per Lagergren (thematic collaborative partner) highlighting the audio describer practice.
- Link to Skånes Taltidning no. 11/2021 (website): - Link to interview in Skånes Taltidning no. 11/2021 (streaming sound):
Interview at Czech Academy of Sciences. Jana Holsanova was interviewed about research and development in audio description research in Sweden in connection to an audio description workshop organized with researcher Petr Kaderka at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prag.
- Link to the YouTube channel of the Czech Academy of Sciences (in Czech):
Interview in Forte Magasin: Men säg det då! Vad behöver blinda höra för att se bättre? Interview (in Swedish) with Roger Johansson, researcher at the Department of Psychology at Lund University.
- Link to the interview in Forte Magasin, no. 2/2023 (pp. 11-13):
Interview in Skånes Taltidning: Hur uppfattar den blinda publiken en film jämfört med den seende? Jo det ska forskare i Lund ta reda på. Interview (in Swedish) with Roger Johansson (researcher at the Department of Psychology at Lund University).
- Link to Skånes taltidning no. 41/2022 (website): - Link to the interview in Skånes taltidning no. 41/2022 (streaming sound):
Media appearances: Hear ADACOMs thematic collaborative partners talk about audio description research and practices (In Swedish).
Link to "ADACOMs thematic collaborative partners talk" (In Swedish):