LUCS Robotics Group
Cognitive Modeling

Computer Simulations of the Brain
To understand how different parts of the brain operate, we build models that can be simulated in computers or used to control robots. Our goal is to construct a large scale model of the brain that can be used to control all functions of a robot. We are particularly interested in learning, motivation and emotions and their role in cognition and have also constructed models of how the cortex develops and processes information.

We develop tools that can be used to build models of the brain. Ikaros is an infrastructure for simulation of brain models have been developed by the robotics group. The system is based on real-time streams between modules that simulate parts of the brain. Ikaros can also be used to run various cognitive experiments and for robot control.

Humanoid Robots
We build humanoid robots that are used to study cognitive development and human-robot interaction. Our main robotic platform is the robot Epi that exists in a number of different configurations ranging from a robotic head to a full body with two arms.

Epi: A humanoid robot for the study of many different aspects of cognition.

The builder robot: A special robot used within the European project Goal-Leaders. The task for the robot is to stack building blocks.