The Cognitive Zoology Group
Primate Research Station Furuvik: Projects
Current Projects

- The evolution of musicality: Synchronisation behaviours and rhythm perception in chimpanzees
- Where does human cooperation come from? The evolutionary origins of the ability to infer shared goals and motivations
- The development of social-cognitive abilities in a Sumatran orangutan infant
- Infrastructure consolidation for remote eye-tracking with great an lesser apes at Lund University Primate Research Station Furuvik
Finished Projects
- The Social Intelligence Hypothesis and the Episodic Memory System – the role of memories in the social skills of cognitively complex animals
- Remote eye-tracking with chimpanzees and orang-utans
- Comparing chimpanzees’ preparatory responses to known and unknown future outcomes
- Can great apes imagine cocktails?
- Ingredients of complex physical cognition – comparisons between crow birds and great apes
- Social bonding as a facilitator of intra- and cross-species imitation
- Phylogenetic reconstruction of the human skill to imagine
- Development of touchscreen interface for cognitive testing of primates
- Eye-tracking with great apes
- Precursors of Sign Use in Intersubjectivity and Imitation
- Development of permanent infrastructure for research and education on great ape cognition at Lund University Primate Research Station Furuvik