Books (5 of 62)
- Vogel, G. (2024). The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection : Choice blindness and the brain. Lund University (Media-Tryck). Dissertation.
- Kallioinen, P. (2023). Children’s Brainwaves in Semantic Processing, Auditory Discrimination and Selective Attention : – in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Typically Hearing Populations. Lund University Cognitive Studies. Department of Philosophy, Lund University. Dissertation.
- Zeiträg, C. (2022). The evolution of social cognition in Archosauria : Gaze following and play as windows to social cognition in dinosaurs. Lund University Cognitive Studies. Lund University (Media-Tryck). Dissertation.
- Tjøstheim, T. A. (2022). Contours of Cognition. Lund University Cognitive Studies. Lund University. Dissertation.
- Ingvarsdottir, K. (2021). Material perception and action : The role of material properties in object handling. Lund University. Dissertation.
- Show all books (totally 62)
Editorships (5 of 22)
- Johansson, B., Gulz, A., Haake, M., Wallergård, M., Nirme, J., Ternblad, E.-M. & Tärning, B. (2023). (Eds.) Intelligent, socially oriented technology VI : Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 185. Department of Philosophy, Lund University.
- Wallin, A. (2020). (Ed.) Tema: Beslutsfattande. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 4, 517-517. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen.
- Kaipainen, M., Hautamäki, A., Zenker, F. & Gärdenfors, P. (2019). (Eds.) Conceptual Spaces : Elaborations and Applications. Synthese Library : Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, 405. Springer.
- Balkenius, C., Gulz, A., Haake, M. & Wallergård, M. (2017). (Eds.) Intelligent, socially oriented technology III : Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 168. Lund University.
- Holsanova, J., Wadensjö, C. & Andrén, M. (2016). (Eds.) Syntolkning : forskning och praktik. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 166. Lund University Cognitive Studies / Myndighet för tillgängliga medier.
- Show all editorships (totally 22)
Articles (5 of 488)
- (2024). Children and Young People’s Mental Health in a “Post-pandemic” Age. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Anikin, A. (2024). Why do people make noises in bed?. Evolution and Human Behavior, 45, 183-192. Elsevier.
- Dewitt, B., Persson, J. & Wallin, A. (2024). Perceptions of Clinical Experience and Scientific Evidence in Medical Decision Making : A Survey of a Stratified Random Sample of Swedish Health Care Professionals. Medical Decision Making. SAGE Publications.
- Fantasia, V., Moncalli, F. & Bello, A. (2024). Shared construction of social pretend play sequences at the Kindergarten. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 20. PsychOpen.
- Gulz, A. & Haake, M. (2024). Scaffolding attention and perseverance skills in a diverse population of preschool children in Sweden. Learning and Individual Differences, 113. Pergamon Press Ltd..
- Show all articles (totally 488)
Book chapters (5 of 152)
- Krantz, A., Balkenius, C. & Johansson, B. (2023). Talk to Me : Using Speech for Loss-of-Trust Mitigation in Social Robots. Sound and Robotics : Speech, Non-Verbal Audio and Robotic Musicianship, 61-75. CRC Press/Balkema.
- Holsanova, J. (2022). A cognitive approach to audio description : production and reception processes. In Taylor, C. J. & Perego, E. (Eds.) Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies, The Routledge Handbook of Audio Description (pp. 57-77). Routledge.
- Holsanova, J. (2022). Syntolkning som multimodal medierande aktivitet. In Dahnberg, M. & Lindqvist, Y. (Eds.) Tango för tre : en dansant festskrift till Cecilia Wadensjö (pp. 63-74). Stockholms universitet.
- Hansson, K., Sahlén, B., Bååth, R. & Sikström, S. (2020). Linguistic : Application of LSA to predict linguistic maturity and language disorder in children. Statistical Semantics : Methods and Applications, 237-248. Springer International Publishing.
- Wahlberg, L. & Wallin, A. (2020). Sommartidsfrågan. In Sahlin, N.-E. (Ed.) Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet: Hälsoråd (pp. 57-66).
- Show all book chapters (totally 152)
Prefaces (3 of 3)
- Zenker, F. & Gärdenfors, P. (2015). Foreword. Synthese library. Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Applications Of Conceptual Spaces : The Case For Geometric Knowledge Representation, 359. Springer.
- Osvath, M. (2011). Empatins tidsålder (The Age of Empathy). [Host publication title missing], 7-9. Karneval förlag.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2002). Förord. KK-stiftelsens skriftserie, Lärkraft : om forskning kring datorstött lärande, 17. KK-stiftelsen.
Encyclopaedia entries (5 of 15)
- Grendeus, S. & Reber, S. (2022). Crocodylia cognition. In Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T. K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior (pp. 1836-1843). Springer.
- Jensen, T. R. & Osvath, M. (2021). Post-conflict Affiliation. In Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer International Publishing.
- Klerk, S. & Jacobs, I. (2021). Reasoning by Exclusion. In Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer Nature.
- Zewald, J. & Jacobs, I. (2021). Object Permanence. In Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer Nature.
- Jacobs, I. (2020). Animal Response to Fire. In Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer International Publishing.
- Show all encyclopaedia entries (totally 15)
Conference contributions (5 of 368)
- Stedtler, S. (2024). Social Injustice, Group Membership and Epistemic Trust in Robots.
- Stedtler, S., Fantasia, V., Tjøstheim, T. A., Johansson, B., Brinck, I. & Balkenius, C. (2024). Is there Really an Effect of Time Delays on Perceived Fluency and Social attributes between Humans and Social Robots? A Pilot Study. HRI '24 : Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 1013-1017. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Balkenius, C., Johansson, B. & Tjøstheim, T. A. (2023). Elements of cognition for general intelligence. In Hammer, P., Alirezaie, M. & Strannegård, C. (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Artificial General Intelligence : 16th International Conference, AGI 2023, Stockholm, Sweden, June 16–19, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 11-20), 13921. Springer.
- Boehly, T., Osvath, M. & Reber, S. A. (2023). Cognitive Control in Distracted Dinosaurs.
- Holsanova, J., Suvalo Grimberg, V. & Weidelt, T. (2023). Recorded Audio Description as an integral part of the live dance performance of Miramos.
- Show all conference contributions (totally 368)
Reports (5 of 27)
- Holsanova, J. (2019). Bildbeskrivning för tillgänglighet : Riktlinjer, forskning och praktik. MTM:s rapportserie. Myndigheten för tillgängliga medier.
- Wallin, J., Hafsteinsdottir, E., Samuelsson, J., Bergman, E., Helenius, O., Gulz, A. & Jahnke, A. (2017). Digitala lärresurser I matematikundervisningen. Delrapport förskola. Skolforskningsinstitutets systematiska översikter. Skolforskningsinstitutet.
- Wallin, J., Hafsteinsdottir, E., Samuelsson, J., Bergman, E., Helenius, O., Jahnke, A. & Gulz, A. (2017). Digitala lärresurser I matematikundervisningen. Delrapport skola. Skolforskningsinstitutets systematiska översikter.
- Johansson, B. & Balkenius, C. (2016). Building the Builder Robot. Lund University Cognitive Studies (Minor). Lund University Cognitive Science.
- Holsanova, J. (2015). Syntolkning - forskning och utbildning. Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan.
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Working papers (5 of 32)
- Anikin, A., Valente, D., Pisanski, K., Cornec, C., Bryant, G. & Reby, D. (2023). The role of loudness in vocal intimidation. PsyArXiv.
- Johansson, R., Rastegar, T., Lyberg Åhlander, V. & Holsanova, J. (2023). Event boundary perception among the visually impaired in audio described films. PsyArXiv.
- Lyberg Åhlander, V., Holsanova, J. & Johansson, R. (2023). The Influence of Narrative Specificity and Voice Quality when Listening to Audio Descriptions : a Comparison of the Sighted and the Blind. PsyArXiv.
- Jacobs, I., Persson, T., Sauciuc, G.-A. & Zablocki-Thomas, P. (2021). The evolution of primate short-term memory. PsyArXiv.
- Genot, E. & Gulz, A. (2014). Madness in the Method: A Paradox of Inquiry Learning.
- Show all working papers (totally 32)
Reviews (5 of 11)
- Reber, S. A. (2018). Advances in the Study of Behavior. Volume 49 edited by Marc Naguib, Jeffrey Podos, Leigh Simmons, Louise Barrett, Susan D. Healy, and Marlene Zuk. Quarterly Review of Biology, 93, 380-381. University of Chicago Press.
- Persson, T. (2013). Bonobon och tio guds bud. På jakt efter humanism bland primater. Respons. Tidskriften Respons, Tidskriften Respons.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2009). Review in Swedish of Staffan Ulfstrand: Darwins idé. Axess 2009:2, 63-64.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2009). Review in Swedish of Tomasello: Origins of Human Communication. Axess 2009:3, 65-67.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2006). Review of Daniel Dennett, Breaking the Spell. Annex, 7.
- Show all reviews (totally 11)
Articles in specialist publications and popular press (5 of 36)
- Balkenius, C. (2021). Uppmärksamhet förbättrar maskininlärning. Ikaros - tidskrift om människan och vetenskapen, 2021, 30-31.
- Jacobs, I. (2021). Promethean beasts. Aeon. Meine Verlag OHG.
- Persson, T., Ranta, M. & Skoglund, P. (2021). Vilka historier kan hällristningar berätta?. Populär Arkeologi, 16-19. Anders Ljungberg.
- Strandberg, T. (2020). Coronavirus: US and UK governments losing public trust. The Conversation.
- Tärning, B., Haake, M. & Gulz, A. (2020). Feedback – mere end bare input og output. Unge Paedagoger. Foreningen Unge Paedagoger.
- Show all articles in specialist publications and popular press (totally 36)
Newspaper articles (5 of 42)
- Brissman, I., Jacobsen, J., Nyman, L., Sidenvall, E., Steij Stålbrand, I., Tranberg, M., Wallin, A. & Wamsler, C. (2024). En kortlek och lite välvilja måste också ned i krislådan. Dagens nyheter (DN debatt). Dagens Nyheter.
- Bark, G., Gerhardt, K., Eggers, J., Glantz, P., Wolrath Söderberg, M., Lalander, C., Grenholm, M., Skelton, A., Letellier, I., Olsson, L., Friberg, J., Nilsson, L., Becker, P., Malmqvist, E., Mccormick, K., Libertson, F., Johansson, T. B., Osberg, G., Avery, H., Allesson, J., Lefstad, L., Ardö, J., Dahlner, A., Stroh, E., Persson, A. S., Birken, P., Kojonsaari, A.-R., Lodh, A., Persson, T., Sporre, M., Gabrielsson, S., Rodriguez, C., Eklund, L., Kritzberg, E., Krause, T., Byaruhanga, R., May, W., van Praagh, M., Busch, H., Lehner, M., Soares, M., Roldin, P., Samper, J. A., Hederström, V., Olsson, G., Stripple, J., Abdelhady, D., Gren, N., Thorén, H., Wiktorsson, M., Maad Sasane, S., Elvén Eriksson, H., Isaxon, C., Frank, G., Yourstone, J., Hildingsson, R., Alcer, D., Kallioinen, P., Persson, A., Hartman, L., Richter, J. L., Hinton, J. B., Koch, M., Rydhe, E., Magalhaes Teixeira, B., Bergman Rosamond, A., Lindh, L. & Sjökvist, R. (2023). Politikerna struntar i klimatforskningen : 420 forskare: Regeringens politik är katastrofal – nu måste fler svenskar kräva en omställning. Aftonbladet Debatt. Aftonbladet Hierta AB.
- Skelton, A., Nicholas, K., Olsson, L., Alcer, D., Persson, T., Thorén, H., Krause, T., Knaggård, ?., Allesson, J., Busch, H., Isgren, E., Galafassi, D., Hildingsson, R., Ness, B., Ramasar, V., Becker, P., Gren, N., Richter, J. L., Barmark, M., Libertson, F., Bakx, T., Thapa, S., Dahlner, A., Wårlind, D., Hederström, V., Ardö, J., Brangarí, A. C., Yourstone, J., Beltrán, J., Eklund, L., Akselsson, C., Ullström, S., Höjdestrand, T., Svenbro, M., Dorkenoo, K., Osberg, G., Wiktorsson, M., Hammarlund, D., Persson, A.-M., Vestin, P., Lodh, A., Junttila, S., Byaruhanga, R., Johnson, E., Södergren, K., Lindroth, A., Malmqvist, E., Perrigo, A. L., Kallioinen, P., Palm, J., Johansson, T. B., Nicoson, C., Harrie, L., Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, A., Lindh, L., Nieradzik, L., Sjökvist, R., Betsholtz, A., Schwarz, J., Elvén Eriksson, H., Birken, P., Winberg, J., Hinton, J., Rydhe, E., Maad Sasane, S., Gabrielsson, S., Persson, A., Frank, G., Roldin, P., Stroh, E., Jack, T., Nilsson, L., Oudin, A., Pongrácz, A., Carton, W., Sporre, M., Meier, A., Friberg, J., Svenningsson, B., Abdelhady, D., Bowling, D., Kritzberg, E., Hartman, L. & Geretti, V. (2023). Sveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskare: Annars är sveket monumentalt – ni kan inte säga att ni inte visste. Aftonbladet. Aftonbladet Hierta AB.
- Moberg, C., Corvellec, H., Lindroth, A., Isacson, M., Nilsson, L., Nicholas, K., Björck, S., Lee, J., Gerle, E., Caretta, M. A., Galafassi, D., Hornborg, A., Ullström, S., Olsson, L., Jerneck, A., Koch, M., Roldin, P., Sunesson, S., Kritzberg, E., Hammarlund, D., Wamsler, C., Krause, T., Tyler, T., Malmqvist, E., Osberg, G., Reindl, K., Lefstad, L., Björnerås, C., De Rosa, S. P., Koglin, T., Bjermo, T., Isaxon, C., Isgren, E., Richter, J. L., Johansson, E., Jarenmark, M., Friberg, J., Wårlind, D., Jack, T., Holmberg, K., Bergman Rosamond, A., Vogl, V., Olofsson, J., Magalhaes Teixeira, B., Palm, E., Algers, J., Gjerløv Fiig, N. A., Ramasar, V., Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, A., Khan, J., Palm, J., Haraldsson, J., Barmark, M., Stroh, E., Filipsson, H. L., Sernhed, K., Wengelin, M., Bauer, F., Persson, T., Brandstedt, E., Mccormick, K., Carton, W., Stattin, S., Gren, N., Nikoleris, A., Wickenberg, P., Garson, K., Zackari, K., Droste, N., Gunnemyr, M., Hansson, L.-A., Lantz, E., Sternudd, C., Ekström, H., Jonsson, A., Dahlner, A., Sörgärde, N., Alcer, D., Rennstam, J., Gabrielsson, S., Ottosson, M., Eklundh, L., Andersson, M., Schwarz, J., Tilsted, J. P., Kiss, B., Halldenius, L., Knaggård, ?., Persson, A., Kolte, O., Lindh, L., Chertkovskaya, E., Hultman, M., Thånell, K., Manners, I., Kristensson, A., Nieradzik, L., Lundberg, A., Cronberg, N., Rydhe, E., Klemmensen, R., Herlitz, A., Perrey, H., Pugh, R., Björkdahl, A., Lundberg, T., Mårsell, E., Samper, J. A., Sandström, I., Ståhl, L.-H., Prentice, H. C., Carlson, S., Andréasson, P.-G., Liljas, A., Zalar, A., Fridlund, P., Sporre, M., Löndahl, J., Björling, F., Kalm, S., Barinaga, E., Mulinari, S., Mulinari, D., Lindqvist, A., Vestberg, S., Claréus, B., Boije af Gennäs Erre, E., Viborg, G., Nilsson, K., Tagesson, A., Brogaard, S., Davidson, P., Harrie, L., Elvén Eriksson, H., Hickmann, T., Fauré, E., Wullenkord, M., Giertz, A., Germundsson, T., Nilsson, F. L., Montesino, N., Sjöström, C., Pettersson, G., Alkan Olsson, J., Cardeña, E., Mottaghi, M., Sundkvist, E., Tellhed, U., Mundaca, L., Lindström, L., Sörensen, J., Mobini, S., Hederström, V., Becker, P., Klysing, A., Mattisson, K., Svensson, J., Svenbro, M., Hanson, H., Oudin, A., Flanagan, E., Takman, M., Ritthammer, S., Månefjord, J., Sonander, A., Nafstad, I., Sjöström, P., Dietler, D., Hassel, H., Käll, J., Akselsson, R., Bohgard, M., Ingvarson, J., Steen, K., Cedergren, A., Nordbeck, P., Davidsson, S., Angelöw, A., Ahrné, S., Lantto, R., Psouni, E., Nicoson, C., Jeppsson, B., Côte, M., Alvesson, M., Leo Sandberg, E., Möllergren, G., Karlsson, D., Bäckman, J., Angelopulos Baroutsis, N., Alenius Wallin, L., Lundell, E., Stedt, J., Forsberg, K., Gnewski, M., Larsson, M., Grillitsch, M., Takedomi Karlsson, M., Månefjord, H., Giese, L., Betsholtz, A., Wrisberg, A., Söderlind, M., Vilhelmsson, A. & Stedt, K. (2022). De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten. Aftonbladet. Aftonbladet Hierta AB.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2019). Förnuftig blir bara den som möter motstånd. Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm. Hb Svenska dagbladets AB & Co, Svenska Dagbladet.
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Miscellaneous (5 of 13)
- Dignum, V., Balkenius, C., Brinck, I., Lee, F., Lind, A.-S. & Lindgren, H. (2023). Why We Shouldn’t Pause Research on AI, but Instead Prioritize Multidisciplinary Research and AI Governance. WASP-HS.
- Norocel, O. C., Sandberg, H. & Wallin, A. (2021). Imbalanced Agendas: Search engines still in the shadows in Sweden : Is digital literacy on the agenda in Sweden?.
- Anikin, A., Rudling, M., Persson, T. & Gärdenfors, P. (2018). Synesthetic Associations Between Voice and Gestures in Preverbal Infants : Weak Effects and Methodological Concerns. PsyArXiv.
- Anikin, A. (2017). soundgen : Parametric Voice Synthesis.
- Balkenius, A., Johansson, A. J. & Balkenius, C. (2015). Data from : Comparing analysis methods in functional calcium imaging of the insect brain. Dryad Digital Repository.
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