ETG: Projects

Current projects

Maximizing informativeness and minimizing neglect – the next step in feedback research [2018 – 2022]

That feedback is critical to effective learning is something of a truism and there is a large body of scientific literature on feedback within the learning sciences. Despite this, there are considerable gaps in our knowledge about feedback and learning. Very little is known about how learners in different contexts pay attention to and process negative informative feedback, that is, constructive information to the learner regarding why, how, and to what extent she failed in solving a task or providing a correct answer. The primary focus of this proposal is to systematically investigate the effects of a number of learning context parameters on student’s attention, processing, and responses with respect to negative informative feedback.
Question 1: Will attention to and processing of negative informative feedback differ when students themselves actively choose to receive negative informative feedback versus when it appears without them controlling it?
Question 2: Will learners seek and pay more attention to negative informative feedback when it serves a pro-social goal, such as improving someone else’s performance or improving the chances of helping a larger group versus when it regards the individual learner alone as a self-goal?
Funded by: Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation

The Magical Garden: Supporting early mathematics for preschoolers with different linguistic backgrounds [2018 – 2021]

The study aims to increase the possibilities for success in mathematics for children having another first language than the official language used in school. By means of a comparative evaluation using the Magical Garden Research Platform, we expect to show an increased learning for children initially interacting with an Arabic implementation of the game compared to children only interacting with the Swedish implementation of the game. Results from the study could show that a modest adjustment of existing educational software as well as pedagogical strategies can have a huge impact on learning.
Funded by: Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation

Digital tools as a method for learning and formative feedback in the context of number sense and early math [2018 – 2022]

The aim is to develop and evidence base a method for formative support of important precursors for math skills, in connection to 4- to 6-year-olds’ use of digital educational games in preschool. Central questions are: How can a functional pedagogical tool be designed in order to support teachers scaffolding of goal oriented learning for both individuals and groups? How can they contribute to visualize early math learning processes, and how can educators use them to reach learning goals? Can a digital individual learning game develop children’s early math skills and self-regulation more efficiently than ordinary preschool pedagogics?
Funded by: The Swedish Institute for Educational Research

Tillsammans över tröskeln till framtidens klassrum [2017 – 2022]

Målen med detta samverkansinitiativ är framförallt att samla insatser och initiativ som pågår och utvecklas vid Lunds universitet kring att förmedla kunskap och samverka i forskning kring lärande med verksamma lärare och lärarstuderande. (NB: I detta samverkansinitiativ avgränsas lärandeforskning till forskning där frågorna, svaren och upptäckterna är användbara för och kan tillämpas av lärare i sin undervisning. Tillsvidare avgränsar vi också området till att handla om ungas lärande, från förskoleålder till och med gymnasieålder.)
För att nå våra mål ämnar vi skapa en webb-portal för att på ett kraftfullt och samlat sätt:
– skapa en naturlig mötesplats
– vidareutveckla och stärka den forskningsbaserade kunskapen.
– underlätta kommunikationen mellan forskare och lärare samt blivande lärare
Genom webb-portalen kommer aktörer som är intresserade av praxisnära samverkans-forskning om lärande och undervisning – forskare, lärare, lärarstuderande, politiker och allmänheten – kunna mötas naturligt, för att till exempel ta kontakt för att delta i ett projekt, få information om pågående forskning i området, få ta del av resultat, osv. Dessutom kommer aktörer kunna mötas och diskutera den forskningsbaserade kunskapen via portalen.
Funded by: Lunds universitet

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