Decision MakingAll news20 April 2024Peter Gärdenfors intervjuas i FOKUS om behovet av bildning och sammanhang för att kunna hantera stressade situationer i vardagen3 May 2023Listen to Matthew Tompkins contribution to the podcast The Museum of Revelatory Fakes7 April 2023Äpple eller päron? Annika Wallin medverkar i Filosofiska rummet om ojämförbarhet och svåra val15 January 2022New open PhD position at LUCS. Apply by February 15, 2022.17 October 2021Annika Wallin medverkar i Filosofiska rummet28 January 2021Two open PhD position at LUCS Apply by March 1, 202126 October 2020Choiche Blindness featured in the BBC podcast: The Big Idea5 February 2019New open PhD position at LUCS. Apply by March 1, 2019.16 January 2018New open PhD position at LUCS. Apply by March 1, 2018.10 October 2016Philip Pärnamets recipient of Glushko Dissertation Prize.Previous12Next