Lund University Cognitive Science 25th aniversary on the 24th & 25th of September.

By 3 - Published 5 September 2013 Lund University Cognitive Science (LUCS) celebrates its 25th anniversary this September with two days of lectures, both by the researchers at LUCS and by international guests. On the 24th of September there will be lectures in Swedish by researchers at LUCS and on the 25th a number of international guests, among them Frans de Waal and Nick Humphrey, will lecture. The lectures are Open to the public and we invite you to join us in these celebrations! Here is the schedule for the two days of lectures:

Schedule 24th of September (in Swedish)

Sal 104 Kungshuset

9:30-9:45 Universitetets rektor Per Eriksson: Invigning

9:45-10:00 Peter Gärdenfors: LUCS 25 år

10:00-10:30 Agneta Gulz: Hur du lär din dator matematik

10:30-11:00 Mathias Osvath: Hur man umgås med korpar och schimpanser

11:30-12:00 Annika Wallin: Mellan norm och verklighet: Hur fattar man vardagsbeslut?

12:00-12:30 Lars Hall & Petter Johansson: Beslutsblindhet och självkunskap

13:30-14:00 Jana Holsanova: Säger en bild mer än tusen ord? Hur språk och bild samspelar i olika medier

14:00-14:30 Peter Gärdenfors: Hur man umgås med robotar

15:00-15:30 Christian Balkenius: Skall robotar gå i förskola? Hur man simulerar kognitiv utveckling.

15:30-16:00 Tom Stone: Hur magiker styr publikens uppmärksamhet

16:00- 16:30 Tom Andersson: En kognitionsvetares liv och äventyr - från spinn doctor till säkerhetsanalytiker

16:30-17:30 Posterpresentation och mingel

Schedule 25th of September (in English)

Room 104 Kungshuset

09.30-10.30 Frans de Waal: Prosocial primates – Empathy in animals and humans

11.00-12.00 Ana Paiva: Empathy in agents and robots

13.00-14.00 Nick Humphrey: Nature’s hidden persuaders: Self-regulation and the placebo effect

14.00-15.00 Ruth Aylett: Interactive narrative and cognitive models

15.30-16.30 Michael Spivey: Cognition inside and outside the brain

16.30-17.30 Bruno Laeng: The eyes' response to illusory light

Nick Humphrey